SearchAdsHQ Update: How to Manage Apple Search Ads Storefronts

The App Store ads support 59 Apple Search Ads storefronts after the latest update. The enhancement of available countries and regions doesn’t only mean wider coverage and more options. It also calls for smarter Apple Search Ads management approaches.

SearchAdsHQ streamlines work with various Apple Search Ads storefronts thanks to the latest update. Now you can create campaigns with multiple countries and regions, make storefront edits to the existing campaigns, duplicate campaigns to different regions, create rules and filter data based on storefront parameter.

Facilitating Apple Search Ads Management of Storefronts

As it was mentioned above, SearchAdsHQ was complemented with the set of features that facilitate work with Apple Search Ads storefronts. Let’s explore the updates in full detail. 

1. Multi-Storefront Campaigns

One of the best parts about the update is that now you are able to create campaigns with multiple storefronts from your SearchAdsHQ account.

Multi-storefront App Store ads Campaigns

The selection menu for Apple Search Ads storefronts has multiple features, you can:

  • choose necessary storefronts manually (mind that they are sorted by regions);
  • search for a necessary storefront with the help of built-in search;
  • clear field with the selected Apple Search Ads storefronts;
  • select or deselect all countries from a certain region (the system takes into consideration store name search query if you’ve put it);
  • see all Apple Search Ads storefronts available in a region (the system takes into consideration store name search query if you’ve put it).

However, you should remember that when it comes to the App Store ads, multi-storefront campaigns don’t support location refinements. To access location targeting, keep your campaign set to a single Apple Search Ads storefront.

2. Editing Storefronts in the Existing Campaigns

Thanks to the SearchAdsHQ update, you can edit storefront settings of the existing campaigns. Thus you are able to not only replace one Apple Search Ads storefront with another but also turn your single-storefront campaigns into multi-storefront ones.

Editing Apple Search Ads Storefronts Settings

However, mind that if you decide to change a campaign storefront, all location targeting settings of its ad groups will be deleted. This rule is applied to both single- and multi-storefront App Store ads campaigns.

3. The Ability to Duplicate Campaigns to Multiple Storefronts

With the latest update, SearchAdsHQ users can easily duplicate their campaigns to a few Apple Search Ads storefronts sets at once. It means you can create a few App Store ads campaigns with different storefront settings in one sitting.

For example, with a few clicks, you can duplicate your most successful campaign settings to:

  • Campaign for the United States and Canada;
  • Campaign for Austria, Germany, and Denmark;
  • Campaign for Israel, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates;
  • Campaign for the United Kingdom.
Duplicating Campaigns to Multiple App Store Ads Storefronts

4. Filtering Data by Storefronts

Filters for Apple Search Ads Optimization available in SearchAdsHQ were complemented by the ‘storefronts parameter”.  This ‘Storefront’ filter will be available on all dashboards covering all Apple Search Ads levels:

— Campaigns;

— Ad Groups;

— Keywords;

— Creative Sets;

— Search Terms.

Now SearchAdsHQ users have access to the following filtering options:

  1. Storefront contains any [the list of necessary Apple Search Ads storefronts] – this filter will help you see all objects (e.g. campaigns) which contain at least one storefront you pointed out.
  2. Storefront excludes all [the list of necessary Apple Search Ads storefronts] – this filter will clear your dashboard from all objects which contain all storefront you pointed out.
Filtering Apple Search Ads storefronts

Let’s consider an example.

Imagine, there are 4 Apple Search Ads campaigns on your dashboard:

  • Campaign А for US, UK, СA;
  • Campaign B for US, CA;
  • Campaign C for CA;
  • Campaign D for the UK.

If you use a filter – Storefront contains any US, CA, the dashboard will display campaigns A, B, and С.

If you use a filter – Storefront excludes all US, CA, the dashboard will display only campaigns C and D.

5. Automated Rules Containing ‘Storefront’ Parameter

Now in SearchAdsHQ, you can create automated rules using the ‘storefront’ parameter. Thus your automation options were enhanced. The conditions of the automated rules are based on the above-mentioned principles of filters (using contain any/exclude all specifications).

All in all, the automates rules is an amazing time-saving feature, SearchAdsHQ can automatically change bids, adjust settings and pause underperforming keywords to optimize your Apple Search Ads performance.

Automated rules based on App Store Ads Storefronts

6. Sorting Dashboard Columns by ‘Storefront’

After the update, the data in your SearchAdsHQ dashboard can be sorted by ‘Storefront’ column. The sorting is based on the following principles – all single-storefront campaigns will be listed in alphabetical order. What concerns campaigns with multiple Apple Search Ads storefronts, they will be sorted by the campaigns number and shown at the bottom of the list (in case of a-z sort direction).

Filtering Data by Apple Search Ads Storefronts

On top of that, the process of App Store ads campaigns setting was facilitated, it no longer requires ad group creation. It means that the creation of campaigns and ad groups were separated and you shouldn’t think over the ad group settings right away.

Ultimately, the above-mentioned new features bring work with Apple Search Ads storefronts to a whole new level providing the opportunity for time-saving and automation. SearchAdsHQ is a platform to manage, optimize and automate your Apple Search Ads campaigns. Request a free demo at SplitMetrics Acquire.

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