Multichannel Mobile Marketing: Increasing User Acquisition & Engagement in 2023

Mobile marketing industry is one of the most fast-changing ones. Customer behavior is constantly changing, and in order to stay afloat you should forget about the “we have always done this way” approach.

Multichannel mobile marketing is no longer an option, but rather a must. As it combines various advertising channels into one unified strategy to successfully attract users to download your app and successfully engage them afterwards. It means that multichannel mobile marketing should be your Ron and Hermione in the marketing world.

Watch the latest App Growth Point on “Multichannel Mobile Marketing: Increasing User Acquisition & Engagement in 2023” with leading experts from SplitMetrics and MoEngage. The recording and the slides are available for you to get practical advice, eye-opening insights and actionable recommendations. 


Meagan White, VP of Marketing at MoEngage. She has more than a decade of marketing leadership experience within the martech, customer experience, and content management sectors, managing marketing strategies in various functions.

Maksim Kasyanik, User Acquisition Team Lead. He has 13 years of successful Marketing experience, including 5 years experience in the Gaming industry and 5+ years experience in the Mobile app industry. 

Karina Klepikova, Account Executive. She has 4+ experience working at SplitMetrics. Karina’s key focus is to provide the clients with high-quality result-oriented services with the help of the dedicated team.

Host: David Martin, VP of Sales. He is a people-focused leader with a proven record of building multi-million dollar revenue teams. At SplitMetrics, he helps leading mobile app publishers scale their businesses with SplitMetrics’ intelligent software solutions.

The covered topics:

  • The latest trends and best practices for acquiring and engaging more users across different advertising channels.
  • Practical tips on how to overcome the major UA challenges.
  • Ways to find a proper channel mix and blend them for maximized ROAS.
  • Real-life cases of how by engaging the users with personalized campaigns you can increase your ROAS and repurchase rate.
  • Next-gen technologies helping app leaders and mobile marketers leverage the power of multichannel mobile marketing.
Engage SplitMetrics to scale your UA across all major ad channels
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