Mobile A/B Testing for App Idea Validation: Tips by SplitMetrics & Phiture

During our webinar dedicated to the best practices in mobile A/B testing, we have spoken to Maggie Ngai, ASO Expert from Phiture, and discussed how mobile publishers can benefit from validating app ideas with the help of app store A/B testing and pretotyping.

Watch the webinar recording to find out:

  • New concept in terms of product idea validation – pretotyping
  • What app pretotype is
  • How mobile publishers use app store A/B testing together with pretotyping
  • Major approaches to app store A/B testing
  • How to validate app ideas, concepts, features, mobile game settings with pretotyping & mobile A/B testing
  • Localization testing as a way to improve the conversion rate
  • 7 biggest mistakes in app store A/B testing

and even more!

Here is a link to the webinar presentation.

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