SearchAdsHQ Now Supports Apple Search Ads in Mainland China

Apple Search Ads is now available in mainland China for booking campaigns, and July 20 is when the ads start to serve on the App Store in mainland China.

According to a report by China Internet Network Information Center, 97% of all country’s internet users use smartphones. The number of mobile apps in China amounts to 3.5 million, while about 30% of mobile devices are iOS. What is more, China is one of the top revenue generators on iOS and according to some reports, accounts for almost half of mobile app spend.

For approved businesses and apps, this update opens up new opportunities for mobile publishers to promote apps on the App Store in mainland China through Apple Search Ads. To advertise an app on the App Store in mainland China, your business and app must be approved.

We at SplitMetrics think this is a great chance to bring your app to mainland China and reach an untapped audience on the App Store before most of your competitors do. 

How to enter new market from day one & boost your app with ads in mainland China

To seize this opportunity and succeed in the new market, you may take advantage of SearchAdsHQ – a platform for Apple Search Ads campaign management, automation and optimization.

  • SearchAdsHQ provides a possibility to flawlessly duplicate the whole account structure and all your ad groups, and apply them to ads in mainland China . 
  • Also, you can leverage customizable automation rules to avoid spending much time on manual tweaks and quickly skyrocket your app in the new market. 
  • Campaigns, created in Apple Search Ads for mainland China, are synced with SearchAdsHQ.
  • Mainland China has already been added to all CSV reports in SearchAdsHQ.
  • The in-built machine learning solution in SearchAdsHQ is designed to maximize campaign performance. You’ll be able to get a better understanding of your bidding efforts, optimize for specific targets across set campaigns, ad groups, and keywords. Make effective bidding decisions, meet your target ROAS, get more conversions with your target CPA – set ambitious goals and achieve them with SearchAdsHQ.

Note: You may need to upload business licenses and other relevant documents to advertise an app on the App Store in mainland China.  For more information on how to take the right steps to run campaigns, visit

SearchAdsHQ Team has a proven track record of working with various Apple Search Ads countries and regions and helping publishers boost their campaign performance on the App Store. Thus, Aged Studio, a China-based mobile publisher aimed at 30 different markets, relied on SearchAdsHQ to optimize Apple Search Ads campaigns, automate them and save time on the management.

As a result, Aged Studio managed to increase their TTR by more than 30% and boost the install rate in just 3 months.

SearchAdsHQ Now Supports Apple Search Ads in Mainland China
SearchAdsHQ Dashboard

The number of installs increased by an impressive 4x times.

SearchAdsHQ Now Supports Apple Search Ads in Mainland China
SearchAdsHQ Dashboard

That’s why SearchAdsHQ is a great tool to enter a new Apple Search Ads market. You’ll be able to quickly adjust your account structure, smoothly automate your campaign management, and see early results as soon as possible.

SearchAdsHQ Now Supports Apple Search Ads in Mainland China

We at SearchAdsHQ do our best to help our clients keep up with all Apple Search Ads updates. And I’m proud to say that we support the new mainland China market from day one.

Ayuna Baranova, Chief Revenue Officer at SearchAdsHQ

SearchAdsHQ Now Supports Apple Search Ads in Mainland China

New markets always bring in new opportunities for mobile publishers and users as well. China-based iOS users are now able to instantly discover apps they are looking for. So we are excited by this move and look forward to seeing how it changes the whole industry for the better.

Max Kamenkov, CEO at SplitMetrics & SearchAdsHQ

Optimize your Apple Search Ads campaigns with SearchAdsHQ
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